Archive for August, 2019

Handle Stress or It Will Handle You – August 25, 2019

How often has there been a challenge in your life when your first response was one of resistance, a wanting to push it away, deny its existence, and you later realized it was actually a blessing? I dare to say that if each of us was honest enough, we’d admit this happens more frequently than we may care to admit. Let’s experiment together as we put the theme for the month of August—“Blessings In Disguise”—under the microscope in the laboratory of consciousness. I pray you look forward to our adventure as much as I do!

The topic on August 25, 2019, was Handle Stress or It Will Handle You. Stress. Even the word can raise blood pressure. How do we go about handling stress without denying it, without resisting getting to the core of the healing message it seeks to deliver? If we can slow down long enough in the midst of stress, we can begin to enter a mindset of equanimity and practice the four stress-reducing techniques we will discuss today.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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The Importance of You Being You – August 18, 2019

How often has there been a challenge in your life when your first response was one of resistance, a wanting to push it away, deny its existence, and you later realized it was actually a blessing? I dare to say that if each of us was honest enough, we’d admit this happens more frequently than we may care to admit. Let’s experiment together as we put the theme for the month of August—“Blessings In Disguise”—under the microscope in the laboratory of consciousness. I pray you look forward to our adventure as much as I do!

The topic on August 18, 2019, was The Importance of You Being You. You may have heard about the Dalai Lama’s first visit to the US and his surprise that self-criticism, shame and blame were so prevalent in our society. The truth is, each of us and all that accompanied us in our birth suitcase is vital to the formation of the individualized expression of Spirit that each of us is. Unpacking that suitcase with awareness confirms the importance of you being you.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday's Message - Video

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Why Worry When You Can Pray? – August 11, 2019

How often has there been a challenge in your life when your first response was one of resistance, a wanting to push it away, deny its existence, and you later realized it was actually a blessing? I dare to say that if each of us was honest enough, we’d admit this happens more frequently than we may care to admit. Let’s experiment together as we put the theme for the month of August—“Blessings In Disguise”—under the microscope in the laboratory of consciousness. I pray you look forward to our adventure as much as I do!

The topic on August 11, 2019, was Why Worry When You Can Pray? Many of us are skilled worriers but that doesn’t have to discourage us because we are also skilled prayer warriors. No child was born a worrier; it is an evolutionary, conditioned response to life that began as a survival skill. Today we’ll explore five truth principles and practices for compassionately working with the human worry system.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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Why Pray When You Can Worry? – August 4, 2019

How often has there been a challenge in your life when your first response was one of resistance, a wanting to push it away, deny its existence, and you later realized it was actually a blessing? I dare to say that if each of us was honest enough, we’d admit this happens more frequently than we may care to admit. Let’s experiment together as we put the theme for the month of August—“Blessings In Disguise”—under the microscope in the laboratory of consciousness. I pray you look forward to our adventure as much as I do!

The topic on August 4, 2019, was Why Pray When You Can Worry? Worry impacts our mental, emotional and physical well-being. You’d think that would be enough to motivate us to begin skillfully taming the energy of worry by learning how to pause, breathe, and move into trust that we are never unattended to by Spirit’s grace. So let’s discover how worry is a “blessing in disguise” as a reliable, faithful escort into a sweet state of answered prayer.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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