What Would Happen…?

What would happen
if you removed the word ‘anxious’
and just paid attention
to these flickering sensations in the belly?

What would happen
if you took away the concept ‘lonely’
and simply became fascinated
with this heavy feeling in the heart area?

What would happen
if you deleted the image ‘sick’ or ‘broken’ or ‘bad’
and just got curious about
the tightness in the throat
the pressure in the head
the ache in the shoulders?

What would happen
if you stopped looking for solutions
and checked to see
if there was actually a problem?

Come out of the exhausting storyline, friend.
It’s not true. It was never true.
Commit sacred attention to a single moment.
Come closer to yourself.
Bring warmth to the tender places.

It’s never as bad as you think.
And always, always more alive.

– Jeff Foster (www.lifewithoutacentre.com)

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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