There Is Plenty Now

I am one with the Presence, Power and Mind of God. All the qualities that God Mind is, I am. This Mind is everywhere present, providing for and supporting all of the life it created. Because I am a part of its creation, its governing action is always for my highest good.

This all-providing source creates in moments of now. The eternal now does not know delay; therefore in my reality there is no delay, or limitation or postponement. There is plenty of time for more good and plenty of good all the time right now. I accept an abundance of good as a steady and natural state of being.

The intelligence within me is prompt and efficient and constantly watches over me by surrounding me with experiences that strengthen, enrich and enhance my life. The universe supports me in every way. I live in a world of plenty.
I am here to bring divine energy to this earthly experience and to allow the unformed potential within me to come forth into a tangible demonstration. I am here to dissolve and obliterate the notion of lack and to prove that there is enough. I am here to be a spiritual leader and to be a force for positive change in the world. This is the time, it is done and I am grateful for the manifestation, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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