The Way to Peace
I was created in the image and likeness of God. God functions through me as perfect being. As I stop and rest, I am able to connect with the deep and abiding truth that dwells within me. I surrender the restless human mind and allow the still small voice to guide me with its wisdom and overflowing peace. My consciousness is uncluttered and clear.
There is an intelligent force of love and power that maketh me to lie down in green pastures. I rest back in the everlasting arms for my refuge and strength. I have overcome the world and am in harmony with life. I am the peace and calm that God is. The kingdom of God is at the center of my being. I am the embodiment of divinity and I use it to strengthen me in peaceful and orderly ways.
The God-power that I Am, enriches and fortifies me and transmutes anything unlike it into that which is positive, constructive and affirmative. The way before me is peaceful and serene. My courage is strong and I am illumined by a larger concept of life. I have complete faith in the law of good that governs my life. I rejoice and give thanks for this, I let it be, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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