The Magic of Greatness
I am One with the One. This One expresses as me and through me as the I AM. I Am that I Am is the expression of a Supreme Being, a Creative Mind, Infinite Intelligence, a Divine Power and a Spirit of Love. I am unified with Spirit and its eternal power that was implanted in me before I took my first breath.
I was born into the Kingdom of Greatness not a kingdom of fear. There is a blessing of curiosity built-in this divine system of greatness that magically provokes the deep inner urge to uncover and bring forth hidden talents and gifts. There is an inherent divine quality, capability and curiosity in everyone to manifest gifts of greatness. Each gift is an idea that is alive and planted in the fertile ground of creative mind that nurtures it with faith and courage and fills it with inspiration to grow and to bloom.
I accept every magical idea of creative greatness that is in my consciousness now, known or unknown. I believe that I am the channel of divine creativity and am guided as to how to express it in the most joyous and fulfilling way. With calm assurance and determination I declare that this is now accomplished and a complete demonstration. With deepest gratitude, I release it to the law and let it do its perfect work. With absolute invincible faith, I now let go, accepting that it is so, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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