The Gift of Self
There is one presence, one power, one mind, one life, God, Infinite good. I am made in the image and likeness of God. Every quality that God is I am. I am an individualized expression of God. I am a true self, a higher self, a God-self. I am God-given. I am infinite possibility. I am the totality of potentiality. I am all good and all power.
The force that breathes through me is the life force that propels love through me out into the world of expression. I am the embodiment of divine love, perfect peace and over flowing joy.
The radiant light of pure awareness reveals the Truth as I walk in the light and love of God. I give thanks for the gift of knowing that I am enough. I give thanks for the experiences that provide me with opportunities for spiritual growth. I am blessed with the gift of self and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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