The Action of Affirmative Power Responds to Me
I am one with the one Mind, the one Life and the one Power.
This power is a power of limitless good that is within and around every part of my being. It opens channels through which my good can be shared and expressed for the good of all.
The action of affirmative power responds to me in right and perfect ways. It brings greater happiness, health, wealth and creative self-expression to everyone I meet. I identify only with the progress of right action and perfect order. I only give power to what I desire to experience. My thought patterns produce constructive and affirmative experiences.
I depend on Divine principle, which causes everything I do to prosper and succeed. My actions are governed by the guidance of Divine wisdom. I see all beings as prosperous and successful, filled with limitless potential and creative power.
This word dissolves anything in opposition to Truth and goes forth and accomplishes the complete and right affirmative manifestation. I give thanks for this completed demonstration and declare that it is my experience now and forever, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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