
I am created in the image and likeness of God, infinite good. I identify myself with the likeness of God as the only power and the only presence. God and I are one. I am governed by this almighty power that is everywhere present. I am that consciousness which is God. The one activity of God empowers everything I do. I am Self, fully empowered.

At the center of my being is a power which is infinite. This power created me and it responds to my thought. It keeps me centered, stable and at peace. I approach life in a positive, constructive and definite manner. I believe in a perfect self–a God-self, which fills me with truth, beauty and love. My life is divinely designed for living in the richness of the kingdom every moment. I am empowered to express the limitless energy of Divine Mind. I am part of a Divine Plan, endowed with everything necessary to continually unfold a new awareness of what I am. My complete expression is included in this plan. For all of this, I do give thanks. I release this into the law, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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