There is a presence and power in the universe greater than I am, that is life itself. I recognize God in and through everything and everyone. I accept that I am one with God, infinite good. All that God is, I am. God is relaxed and at peace, and so am I.
Peace is at the center of my being. This peace brings all thoughts, feelings and actions into right alignment. I am at peace with myself, with others and with the world. I live in the awareness and the presence of perfect peace. I live in the kingdom of peace. I am in harmony with all of life. In the quiet of the one mind, at the very center of my being, I find the peace that passeth all understanding.
I am anchored in the energy of full acceptance that the perfect pattern of peace is already securely in place. I now let go and let Spirit do its perfect work. I am an open channel for the divine expression of peace. With gratitude, I let this be, and so it is.
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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