Order is Heaven’s First Law

Just as the universe is in prefect harmonious balance, so am I. The laws governing the universe are divinely perfect. There is a rightness of events. The cosmic mind is intelligent, conscious and creative with perfect equilibrium. I am part of this cosmic energy field. Its power is a constructive force that motivates me in an organized fashion with meaning and purpose.

The God of my being is established in Divine order. There is no confusion of thought or ideas. There is always an orderly sequence of ideas in Divine Mind and I am its complete expression. Every stage of my unfoldment is perfectly designed, guided and directed. I walk a clear spiritual path with nothing obscuring my vision and plenty of space for growth. Wherever I am, everything is in its right place, proper position and in working order.

I am eternally grateful for a positive and receptive state of mind that recognizes the power of completeness. I accept this perfect manifestation of Truth, knowing it is complete, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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