New Ideas Bring New Opportunities
New ideas inspire me and new thoughts bring new opportunities to my world of expression. Each idea is complete with the right and perfect plan for its successful fulfillment. My intention and attention are focused on new ventures and new experiences.
My God given opportunities are abundant and cannot be denied. Every talent, skill and ability is recognized by the one creative mind and is fully and adequately equipped with right action and right release of expression. Everything that has taken place in my past has prepared me for the present. Infinite mind abundantly supplies me with fresh new ideas to motivate and prosper me.
This is a new day, a new time over flowing with new and limitless possibilities and opportunities for my larger expression. I am continuously meeting new and larger experiences that support and empower my God-identity. I am joyously established in successful living.
Today, I am entering a new beginning. I walk through the doorway of opportunity with absolute assurance that divine intelligence is guiding me in everything I think, say and do. I accept this Truth and celebrate the richness of its right and perfect expression now. In gratitude, I let it be so, and so it is!
Happy New Year and Happy New Beginnings!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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