My Way Is Made Clear
I am one with the One. This One is a mighty presence and power that lights my way, makes the crooked places straight and is a lamp to my feet.
The light of spiritual understanding guides and directs me with wisdom and provides me with the faith to understand with greater conviction.
I celebrate God’s life as my life. I am empowered by these words and I invoke God-Power to fill me with ever increasing Divine love to share with the world.
Love is enlightening and permits only that which is harmonious and kind to enter my life.
I bless this journey and rejoice in the divine adventure that clarifies my vision, grounds me in Truth and motivates divine ideas. My whole being is illumined with the One life that flows through every being. I am grateful for this Truth and for the God-Mind that inspires and fulfills it, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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