My Life Is My Creation

I am one with the God-Self and the God-Self expresses love as me and through me. My relationship to the power that created me enables me to be its full expression of love. This is an all-loving and accepting God-Force, a liberating power. I am the conduit for this power and it flows through me to others as a giving and friendly energy.

I am immune to outside influences. I place divine love between any challenging situation and myself. I stay focused on actively co-creating my life with God, to be exactly what I want. My desires are in harmonious alignment with the Divine Giver of life. I am immersed in love and joy, inside and outside. Every thought, feeling and action I have is from on high and my experiences are happy, healthy, wealthy and filled with the greatness of God.

I lead my life to the fulfillment of my vision and receive inspiration and confidence from the Creator of all life. I am divinely guided by love and right action and am grateful for the gift of a perfect life. I accept and claim the fullness and completeness of my self-expression. I am grateful for all the good flowing freely from me and to me. My life is full with rich opportunities that enlarge my horizons and bring joyous fulfillment in all that I do. In gratitude, I release this and let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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