My Life Is Divinely Guided By Right Action
My mind is continually impressed with images of right action. Everything in my life is controlled by love, harmony and wisdom. I have a clear, clean mind and heart that blesses and prospers me and all of humankind. Any thought or feeling that is in opposition to the truth of my being is released and totally dissolved this very moment.
The all-knowing intelligence that is within me, directs all of my actions into constructive channels of self-expression. All of my endeavors are now in positive motion. Any false claims or old negative habit patterns are eliminated and sent back to the native nothingness from whence they came. Any seeming delay or barrier to my greater good is eliminated from my consciousness. I expect all my good now.
I accept the truth that the spiritual idea of my true success, the divine plan for me, is right where I am, in the mind of my God-self. This self knows itself to be a unique expression of Spirit. It knows its true worth and acts upon it. This self is who and what I am. There is now complete unity between the inner world of Spirit and the outer world of form. The seen and the unseen have merged into an active partnership. My life is divinely guided by right action. I give thanks for this truth, I let it be, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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