My Faith Transcends All Appearances
I am at one with the one Presence, one Life, one Mind, One Power, God, infinite good. I have complete faith that only the power of good governs. This power responds to me, resides within me and governs my life.
Nothing can disturb the manifestation of right thinking. My constructive thought patterns always manifest in right ways because my mind is one with the mind that created it all. This all-knowing mind operates through me peacefully, competently and decisively. No seeming opposition can sway, influence or distract me from the inner assurance that right forward movement is taking place.
I accept the powerful right action of infinite intelligence, which guides, directs and steadies my every thought with a clear conviction that is grounded in truth. My recognition of truth fortifies my complete faith in knowing that each and every endeavor is successfully fulfilled. With faith as my anchor and strength, I am able to transcend all appearances of any kind. I have faith that the power within me that is greater than I am, is always working and has already made my intentions a reality.
I believe, I accept and I know that this is accomplished and my experience is in alignment with that absolute truth. In gratitude, I release this and glorify the power that has made it so, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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