Living in the Consciousness of Perfect Being
“Trust in me and I will bring it to pass.”
At the center of my being is Spirit. My real nature is Divine. The Divine healing presence within me makes the crooked places straight, raises my thinking and fills my heart with love. I am in harmony with all of life. I am perfect being, living by inspiration and intuition. I see the best in everything and am surrounded by the best.
These words I speak are words of strength, perseverance and faith. I have complete confidence in the unlimited resources of universal mind to meet every situation. My clear and definite vision allows me to see all things working out perfectly step-by-step. I refuse to linger in worry. Faith goes before me and makes the way easy. I rest back in the everlasting arms, knowing I am secure in my right and perfect place. I rejoice and give thanks for this Truth as a reality in my life, I let it be, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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