Keep A Clear Mind

I am one with the One Mind, Power and Presence. This Mind, being the Mind of God, is never confused or tempted to engage in confusion, it is aware, alert and established in clarity. There is no difference between the God Mind and my mind. I am that consciousness which is God and I am the expression of Infinite Being, Life and Power.

I expect to receive good and useful ideas and am provided with the right channels through which each idea is effectively expressed. I am aware that Creative Mind receives the direct impress of my thought and acts upon it. I am constantly inspired by this all-knowing mind to be the expression of harmony and joy. Any action that seems to oppose harmony and joy is automatically transformed into constructive, affirmative and positive action. All of my choices are healthy, decisive and clear minded.

I move forward with certainty, poise and understanding, governed by the all-intelligent mind of God. It is with absolute trust and invincible faith that I do give thanks for this demonstration. I release it and let it be so, and so it is!!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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