It Is Done!
My awareness of Divine right action and perfect order insures me that all I require I have right now. Daily, my consciousness expands to its highest level, out-picturing all that I create in mind. There is perfect synchronicity in everything I do. Each task I perform is orchestrated with poise and in right sequence. Everything functions in perfect divine harmony.
How blessed I am to be here at this time, in this place, expressing the absolute truth of my being. There is no interference of any kind with my progress. I move forward with enthusiastic ease, determination and courage. Just as the sun rises and sets each day, I am divinely guided to realize my full potential. Only good comes from me and to me. I know that God-action is taking place in wondrous ways, known and unknown. Every accomplishment
is successfully completed with grace and ease
With calm assurance and great joy, I claim this to be so, right here and now. I accept it and believe it with every fiber of my being. I give thanks for its immediate fulfillment, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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