I Surrender to God

Today, I surrender to the presence, power and intelligence that created me, dwells within me and forever sustains me. As I surrender to this mighty power, its energy fills me with creative new ideas and fresh inspiration. It allows me to see light when I think I see a shadow. It raises me up when I think I am down. It gives me strength when I think I am weak. All the goodness of God floods my entire being with new life, new strength and new enthusiasm. I relax, let go and allow all my God-given abilities and capacities to perfectly and completely express.

Divine intelligence works through me in an orderly fashion and manifests divine order in all of my affairs. Through grace, solutions are effortlessly and clearly revealed and firmly established. As a vital part of a Divine kingdom, I accept for myself expansion, fuller expression and new experiences of limitless life. I believe that I have been blessed with infinite potentialities that inherently attract, produce and establish infinite possibilities for my greater and deeper expression. I live in the joyous expectancy that the power of this word is now law and is my reality and my experience. With invincible faith and complete acceptance, I give thanks and let it be and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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