I Maintain a Consistent, Affirmative Attitude

I am firmly established in principle. I believe in the all-rightness of myself. I am not influenced by outer appearances or controlled by what others think or want me to do. My mind is quiet and alert and responsive to the still, small voice of truth. I release any desire, need or motivation to judge or criticize myself. I have the right attitude toward myself, about life and the people in my individualized world. I believe that God has created me and everyone else as complete and adequate. My belief has consistent and full power and is absolutely sufficient for each endeavor.

Divine principle expresses success in me at all times. I put myself wholeheartedly into my work. Each thing I do is accomplished efficiently, affirmatively and in perfect time-on time, in time and every time.

My consistent, affirmative attitude coordinates all action and brings harmony and joy to all of my experiences. I am the positive action of God Knowing. With absolute trust and invincible faith, I give thanks, accepting this to be so now, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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