I Am the Consciousness of Complete Success

I am the consciousness of complete success producing the right and perfect results in every area of my life. The creative power within me sees to it that my relationships are centered in harmony, love and understanding. I am aligned with the prospering power of love surrounding me at all times. I am healthy and filled with vitality. Every service I perform is done with love and integrity.

There are no undesirable circumstances in my world. Everyone with whom I work prospers. I rise in consciousness so that I am only susceptible to positive, affirmative and constructive energy. I am surrounded by creative intelligence, which receives the direct impress of my thought and acts upon it. This intelligence powerfully impacts my thoughts, feelings and imagination as an activity of God.

There is unity between the inner world of spirit and the outer world of form. The seen and unseen have merged and my vision is complete and fully expressed. I rejoice and give thanks for the acceptance of this truth and I now claim it as my reality. I let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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