I Am Enough
As an individualized expression of God, I am imbued with God-qualities. My energy is divine energy coupled with divine motivation and intent. This energy causes great momentum in all that I do. God at the center is perfect life. I am the totality of perfect being, becoming that which I already am.
I do not argue with the past or plead with the future. I am not limited by my past. I am more than my past. I accept what is right now, and know that the future is bright with possibilities. I am intentionally creating my future by planting present moment seed thoughts of joyous successful living, abundant health and wealth, harmonious loving relationships and the complete fulfillment of my divine creative self-expression.
All avenues are open for my full expression. I know and feel that the universe is for me and with me. This divine power is inexhaustible and flows in, through and all around me, bringing joyous fulfillment to all that I do. I am grateful for this truth and its limitless surplus of all-good that I accept with joyous thanksgiving, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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