I Am Divinely Connected

The One, All-Knowing Presence, Mind and Power that created me has also unified me with the inner world of spirit and the outer world of form. It never fails to direct me to right places and right experiences. I am open and receptive to its correct and sound guidance. I leave behind old attitudes and thoughts of confusion and division. My thinking is orderly and clear. I am in tune with the gentle and powerful love of Spirit that governs from within, by lifting my field of vision to the highest summit of consciousness.

I am one with the whole life and to the degree that I consciously cooperate with it, I will continue to expand, to grow and establish greater inner richness. Sharing and expressing the value of this inner spiritual experience maintains and sustains the value of it by giving back. I share the light and love of God and can see it shining back and forth in and through everyone.

I am a moving part, a circulating and vital activity of God-Mind, which keeps my thinking coordinated and aligned with the One Power. My connection with the world is important and I have chosen to be a force for positive change. I experience a positive shift taking place everywhere and in all people.
I am grateful for the demonstration of this Truth. I now release it to the great Law of Mind, accepting and knowing that it is done, and right action is always taking place, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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