I Am All Right With Me

I am one with the divine presence and power within me. I am part of a divine intelligence living intelligently. The still small voice that answers my every hunger is the divine “I Am” in the midst of me. I am conscious of my inner presence as a loving self that is joyous and true, light-hearted and resilient.

I can choose to see pollution or holiness. I can choose to see blocks or portals. I can choose to be all right with me or all wrong with me. Right now in this moment I Am All Right With Me. I stand on holy ground and choose to experience the portals of life as an offering of holiness with the unexpected gift of grace.

Regardless of what has taken place in the past, each moment of this journey has a precious all-rightness to it. Beyond my human understanding and self-evaluation, there is the “I AM” that “I AM,” which is spiritually perfect, deeply valued, completely loved, accepted and appreciated. I am eternally grateful for already being complete as “I Am,” and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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