I Accept My Divine Inheritance
I am heir to the kingdom of abundance. I am not limited by the past. I accept a greater good today than yesterday. I am empowered by the light of Truth that illumines my way and speeds my progress. Patiently and confidently, I remain open to receive all of life’s blessings. I am rich and over flowing with gifts of love, harmony and happiness.
God is my energy. God is my everlasting and infinite strength. I have been abundantly supplied with a rich spirit of love, ideas, power and faith that sustains me generously in every way. I am deliberate about giving and deliberate about receiving. My consciousness radiates prosperity.
I have inherited the kingdom and have chosen to invest the highest and best in life. All my needs are met. I am the child of an abundantly rich God. I am deeply grateful for a blessed life. I release this, give thanks for it and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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