Harmonious Being
There is one Presence, one Power, one Creative Energy, one Essence, one Source – and that one is God. I am one with God and all the qualities and attributes that God is. I recognize God at the center of my being as peace, power, love, joy, order, abundance, right action and harmony. I am sustained in a peaceful understanding and approach to life. I live in the awareness that the stable guiding power of the one Mind harmonizes any seeming disturbance or discord. No matter what the outer appearance or circumstance is, I experience life with peace of mind. I live in harmony and spiritual poise.
I stay in constant cooperation with the ever-sustaining power of Truth. I stand strong in constant and abiding faith knowing that good overpowers all opposition. I move in peace and love. I believe in infinite possibilities because I am in tune with the Infinite. I am in perfect balance with the Universe. I am harmonious being, being harmonious now and forever. I know this is the absolute Truth about all of humankind. I rejoice and give thanks, knowing that this is complete, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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