God Is Acting Through Me
I am one with the presence and power of God. This reality maintains my consciousness of perfect being. My life is the action of God Mind. God Power is the only authority in my life.
The infinite creative force has placed within me unlimited capabilities to use and express in positive and constructive ways. Its action empowers me to consistently demonstrate my good without postponement or delay. I radiate assurance because of God Energy that directs me in the right way through the law of Divine Protection.
I stand strong knowing the power within me, greater than I am, is giving me the courage and strength to carry through my ideas. My perceptions are quickened and I am equal to any task before me. The Spirit of Truth operates through me perfectly in every situation. Whatever I need to know and need to say is revealed to me and clearly understood.
I am lifted up by the Truth and given right answers and guidance so that I remain teachable and flexible. “I am that which thou art and thou art that which I am.” I am steadfast and stable in all my ways. I go forth in confidence and joy, accepting with gratitude that this demonstration is now complete, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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