God-In-Me Attracts Divine Harmony

Divine love is the only power—the only presence. I am complete in the recognition of myself as the harmonious expression of God. I am that life which is called God. I am a divine being now. I have never known anything other than my divinity. There is only the divine reality.

At the center of my being is a power, which is infinite. That power is God, and that power which is God, responds to thought. All the intelligence of God Mind is the intelligence seeking expression in and through me. I will forever exist as a perfect idea in the mind of God.

The presence of the one mind is so complete, positive and powerful that it illumines me, and I am conscious only of the divinity. I am an individualized center of God-Conscious life. God at the center is perfect peace, harmony and understanding.

Wherever I go, I draw harmony to others and myself. God-in-me creates good in every experience. The spirit of the Lord goeth before me and maketh easy the way. Perfect right mental action is taking place. I give thanks that the God within me is right now creating all good, all love and all harmony, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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