Generous Giving

I know that there is One Divine Power that is operative in and through me at all times. It is an inexhaustible life-giving source available to all to use. There are no obstacles that could impede its giving nature.

My consciousness is peaceful, clear and bright with ideas that expand all of my experiences. I appreciate the gifts of life that give me the opportunity to give back more than I have been given.

The great Creative Power of the universe gives unconditionally with a free and willing spirit and therefore I do the same. This divine energy is life supporting and life sustaining and generates increase.

I am a cheerful giver and always go the extra mile in giving love and friendship, appreciation, kindness, cooperation and devotion. I have an infinite capacity to give, to receive and to express. By giving generously of what I already have, I am open and receptive to experience more of what life has to offer. My life is rich with every good thing. I am overflowing with gratitude to joyfully share all that I have. I accept and trust with absolute knowing that this is the Truth of my being, I let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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