Faith Filled
I am the full expression of Divine Intelligence. I accept the responsibility of its perfect activity in, through and around me. I am the consciousness of pure receptivity; my experiences are always a blessing. I am that which I am conscious of being.
I stand on the stable ground of faith. Faith is my fortune, my conviction and my reality; no person, place or condition can oppose the power of my practical faith. My success is dependent on nothing outside of myself, but on my consciousness of consistent faith. I keep myself focused on the Promised Land and my faith deepens.
I release everything in my life that is not enriching and empowering. I invest every moment in spiritual conviction and unwavering faith. The more faith I have, the more faith I have.
I give thanks for the complete fulfillment of this Truth. I embody it, accept it, know it and believe it with absolute invincible faith, I let it be, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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