Exercising the Power of Faith

The Power and Presence of God created me in its own image and likeness and included a divine plan for my life. Included in that plan are many opportunities for change and maturity so that I can grow, develop and succeed. As I grow in strength and courage, I am fortified with the sustaining power of faith to resolve challenges, find peace and joy, and use a power rooted in love and wisdom when making decisions.

Exercising faith increases my confidence and fortifies even greater faith. By practicing faith, I am uplifted and inspired to be creative, decisive and clear in my choices. Trust is solidified by listening to divine guidance and responding to the direction of Spirit. The foundation of spiritual strength anchors me in principle and integrity. Fear has no power because my faith controls my thinking. I live in the atmosphere of faith, which brings many blessings, serenity and inner security

With invincible faith, I give thanks for the successful completion of this demonstration. I now let it be so, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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