I give thanks for a clear and decisive mind that thinks healthy and constructive thoughts.
My thankful heart attracts loving people who are thoughtful, gentle and kind.
The more good I am grateful for the more good I experience.
I appreciate my life.
I appreciate my self-healing power.
I am grateful for my intuitive ability to attract healthy, loving and harmonious relationships.
I delight in the grace and glory of my spiritual journey that makes the way clear and safe for me.
Wherever I go and whatever I do, I am always met with love and appreciation.
I am blessed to be of service and am grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the world.
I am grateful for an abundance of love, health, wealth and happiness.
I am grateful for the divine process that knows only limitless possibilities.
I am grateful for the opportunities that turn into limitless possibilities for me.
I am grateful to be a dynamic expression of God’s idea made manifest now.
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