Complete Trust
I live, move and have my being in the one presence, the one power, the one mind, the one life, God, infinite good. I let the magnificent power and presence of divine love have its way through me. I surrender to divine wisdom and trust in its guidance in all that I think and do.
I attract the best and give no power to anything else. I am grateful for my responsibilities and accept them as part of my growth. Each opportunity offers expansion, a larger expression and uplifts my spirit. I entertain no false thought or belief that could hold me back or impede the full and adequate expression of God-vision. I am grateful for my enthusiasm that fuels progression with a positive and constructive harmonious flow of energy. Each endeavor is worthy of my energy, time and full attention. Whatever is presented, I am ready, able and fully equipped to successfully carry out to completion. I am a divine being living a divine life and divine right action takes place through all that I do.
I relax, rejoice, give thanks and accept that this demonstration is complete, and so it is!!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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