Archive for Podcast

The Inseparability of Love and Forgiveness – November 24, 2024

Loving greetings and joyous Thanksgiving wishes to you and your loved ones as you celebrate all the blessings in your lives. And please know that your presence in our spiritual family is to me a gift for which I am so deeply grateful.

Life’s journey is clearly multifaceted, interwoven as it is with pairs of opposites such as joys and sorrows. By giving ourselves quiet time for prayer and reflection, we gratefully discover that even within our challenges there is potential for inner growth. When such gratitude fills our heart, we feel what true prayer is, what Spirit’s unconditional love is. And that is why our theme of the month is “Gratitude: An Unconditional Quality of Consciousness.”

The November 24, 2024 topic is The Inseparability of Love and Forgiveness. The question is not about deserving or not deserving forgiveness; the question is about whether or not we have sufficient love in our hearts to forgive both ourselves and others. When we withhold forgiveness we simultaneously withhold love. The more readily we forgive, the more we express the quality of divine love within us. As the adage goes, “To err is human, to forgive is divine.”

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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The Energizing Grace of Perseverance – November 17, 2024

Loving greetings and joyous Thanksgiving wishes to you and your loved ones as you celebrate all the blessings in your lives. And please know that your presence in our spiritual family is to me a gift for which I am so deeply grateful.

Life’s journey is clearly multifaceted, interwoven as it is with pairs of opposites such as joys and sorrows. By giving ourselves quiet time for prayer and reflection, we gratefully discover that even within our challenges there is potential for inner growth. When such gratitude fills our heart, we feel what true prayer is, what Spirit’s unconditional love is. And that is why our theme of the month is “Gratitude: An Unconditional Quality of Consciousness.”

The November 17, 2024 topic is The Energizing Grace of Perseverance. Webster’s Dictionary describes perseverance as remaining steadfast “in a course of action in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement.” Our commitment to persevere in our spiritual practice despite setbacks or distractions is supported by a Divine Grace that empowers us to always keep going, to discover that we never walk the journey alone.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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Appreciation: An Energy of the Heart – November 10, 2024

Loving greetings and joyous Thanksgiving wishes to you and your loved ones as you celebrate all the blessings in your lives. And please know that your presence in our spiritual family is to me a gift for which I am so deeply grateful.

Life’s journey is clearly multifaceted, interwoven as it is with pairs of opposites such as joys and sorrows. By giving ourselves quiet time for prayer and reflection, we gratefully discover that even within our challenges there is potential for inner growth. When such gratitude fills our heart, we feel what true prayer is, what Spirit’s unconditional love is. And that is why our theme of the month is “Gratitude: An Unconditional Quality of Consciousness.”

The November 10, 2024 topic is Appreciation: An Energy of the Heart. Authentic appreciation gives our heart wings to fly directly to our Creator Source, which has graced us with the capacity to feel, to love, to laugh, to grieve, to heal, to co-create with all aspects of our life. This knowing causes us to bend a knee in profound gratitude, to know why it is said that “Thank you” is the most complete prayer.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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The Paradox of Gratitude – November 3, 2024

Loving greetings and joyous Thanksgiving wishes to you and your loved ones as you celebrate all the blessings in your lives. And please know that your presence in our spiritual family is to me a gift for which I am so deeply grateful.

Life’s journey is clearly multifaceted, interwoven as it is with pairs of opposites such as joys and sorrows. By giving ourselves quiet time for prayer and reflection, we gratefully discover that even within our challenges there is potential for inner growth. When such gratitude fills our heart, we feel what true prayer is, what Spirit’s unconditional love is. And that is why our theme of the month is “Gratitude: An Unconditional Quality of Consciousness.”

The November 3, 2024 topic is The Paradox of Gratitude. There are aspects in each of our lives for which we are grateful and those which we resist and desire to be different. Therein lies the paradox of being human! Today, we will focus on embodying the truth that in every moment, just as it is and just as we are, Spirit’s Universal Laws and Love flow through our body, mind, and spirit, supporting, uplifting, and transforming us.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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It All Begins with Gratitude – October 27, 2024

Loving greetings to you all, and Shanah Tovah to all of our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Throughout the years that we met in person, October was traditionally celebrated as “Friendship Month.” My invitation is for us to continue in the spirit of that friendship-centered tradition as together we celebrate our monthly theme, “Share the Love, Share the Light, Share the Wealth.” I feel that our virtual connection is as equally connected and meaningful as when meeting face-to-face. You are all my friends, and I trust that you all know I am truly your friend.

The October 27, 2024 topic is It All Begins with Gratitude. Today will begin by giving thanks for the blessing we share as a family of spiritual individuals who support one another in looking within to release the false belief of inner poverty by affirmatively agreeing that we are fully equipped with all that is needed to live life abundantly in all of its expressions.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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Swimming in the Sea of Abundance – October 20, 2024

Loving greetings to you all, and Shanah Tovah to all of our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Throughout the years that we met in person, October was traditionally celebrated as “Friendship Month.” My invitation is for us to continue in the spirit of that friendship-centered tradition as together we celebrate our monthly theme, “Share the Love, Share the Light, Share the Wealth.” I feel that our virtual connection is as equally connected and meaningful as when meeting face-to-face. You are all my friends, and I trust that you all know I am truly your friend.

The October 20, 2024 topic is Swimming in the Sea of Abundance. We are immersed in a sea of abundance in both the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of our lives but often lack the inner clarity to perceive it. This Sunday we will focus on cleansing and opening our inner eye, our mindsets and heartsets in deep respect and appreciation for the abundance of Spirit’s Love and Law that penetrates and surrounds us.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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What Is the True Meaning of Wealth? – October 13, 2024

Loving greetings to you all, and Shanah Tovah to all of our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Throughout the years that we met in person, October was traditionally celebrated as “Friendship Month.” My invitation is for us to continue in the spirit of that friendship-centered tradition as together we celebrate our monthly theme, “Share the Love, Share the Light, Share the Wealth.” I feel that our virtual connection is as equally connected and meaningful as when meeting face-to-face. You are all my friends, and I trust that you all know I am truly your friend.

The October 13, 2024 topic is What Is the True Meaning of Wealth? Each of us is already “preapproved” to receive our divine inheritance of wealth in all of its forms: wholeness, love, wisdom, peace, joy, creative expression, prosperity. Today we will explore how to evolve a deeper realization of the true meaning of wealth based on the principle that we live in a supportive universe that is ever ready to open its treasure house to us.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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How Open Are You to Receiving? – October 6, 2024

Loving greetings to you all, and Shanah Tovah to all of our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Throughout the years that we met in person, October was traditionally celebrated as “Friendship Month.” My invitation is for us to continue in the spirit of that friendship-centered tradition as together we celebrate our monthly theme, “Share the Love, Share the Light, Share the Wealth.” I feel that our virtual connection is as equally connected and meaningful as when meeting face-to-face. You are all my friends, and I trust that you all know I am truly your friend.

The October 6, 2024 topic is How Open Are You to Receiving? “As we bring ourselves to a greater vision than our present concepts,” Dr. Holmes teaches, “we can induce a greater concept and thereby demonstrate more in our experience.” This begins with being open enough to accept our worthiness to receive Spirit’s limitless givingness as its Law of Abundance operates in our life.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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Discernment and Discipline = Demonstration

Loving greetings and welcome to September’s Sunday services when we will dive deeply into this month’s theme, “Living from a Heart of Happiness.” As the Dali Lama wisely reminds us, “Happiness is determined more by one’s state of mind than by external events.” Together, we will expand our inner understanding that happiness is not an outer achievement but rather an organic expression of our True Nature.

The September 29, 2024 topic is Discernment and Discipline = Demonstration. The word “discipline” can cause us to recoil a bit. However, maintaining a disciplined mind is what returns our attention to our inner intentions over and over again, thus empowering the demonstrations for which we pray. It returns us to a discerning, faith-filled state of consciousness attuned to our highest good.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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The Fusion of Expectation and Experience – September 22, 2024

Loving greetings and welcome to September’s Sunday services when we will dive deeply into this month’s theme, “Living from a Heart of Happiness.” As the Dali Lama wisely reminds us, “Happiness is determined more by one’s state of mind than by external events.” Together, we will expand our inner understanding that happiness is not an outer achievement but rather an organic expression of our True Nature.

The September 22, 2024 topic is The Fusion of Expectation and Experience. When we make an affirmation, we want to believe in our expectation of its fulfillment. And yet, if we’re honest, there are times when we’re not quite convinced of our worthiness to receive the good we affirm for ourselves. Join us today and discover how to create a mental equivalent between expectation, experience, and the demonstration that awaits us.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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