Are You Raining on Your Own Parade?

Have you ever had those moments when your mind is chattering so much it seems to be taking up all the real estate in your brain?  That’s when your vitality and inspiration often go into foreclosure.

Are you raining on your own parade?  No matter how evolved or enlightened we are, there are times when the spark of enthusiasm just doesn’t seem to be forthcoming. Enthusiasm is contagious and it delights in having playmates.  When met with apathy, enthusiasm can diminish and dissolve into disappointment.  These are the times we have to reach much deeper, to the depths of our soul, followed by a conscious choice to be renewed, re-inspired and refueled with enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is a divine state of mind. The Greek words en-theos, mean in God.  Feeling enthusiastic is having God inside of us. That’s inspiring! Why not greet life’s challenges with inspiration instead of desperation?  Everything always gets better, that’s a given.  After a good rain, the sun shines.  Something within you knows the right thing to do, the right choice to make.  You are filled with goodness, courage, strength and brilliance that is still untouched.  We are here on earth for about a nano-second. Why not make the best of it, one thought at a time?  Constructive thoughts produce constructive results.

Be kind to yourself!  Maintain an attitude of gratitude. Being thankful  brings us right back to enthusiasm.  Make a list of all the things you are grateful for and watch them multiply!!

An article by Rev. Pam
(published in the Tolucan Times June 2013)

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