The Science Of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles    

welcomes all people and all faiths. We respect each person as an individual and hold sacred his or her spiritual unfolding by providing a safe place for personal and spiritual growth.

We are a teaching healing ministry. Our goal is to maintain an open and whole-hearted friendly atmosphere that is loving, accepting, empowering and supportive.  We are about uniting people of different walks of life, not alienating people of different faiths.  In being Divinely connected in some way, we are all one.

Spiritual growth or spiritual awakening, whatever term you choose to call change or transformation, requires a willingness to get to the “heart-of-the-matter” or the “cause.”  For some, this may bring a new and refreshing meaning to the word “responsibility.”  Our responsibility is to learn how to be the best we can be as authentically as possible.

 Science of Mind is a path for discovering the true, limitless potential within you.  It offers an opportunity to expand your awareness of truth and it provides spiritual understanding as you travel the path of self-discovery.  This teaching is practical and can become a way of life quite naturally because it is based on universal, spiritual principles.

I invite you to join us anytime and experience for yourself the magnificence of Spirit’s expression.

Love and Peaceful Blessings,