A Holiday Message from Rev. Pam
(December 2012)

Just as the coming of Christ was the promise of Peace on Earth and good will to all mankind, the approach of Christmas has a mighty power that rekindles our faith and lifts our aspirations.

As we eliminate conflict within ourselves, we establish peace on earth.  As we master our emotions and rid ourselves of all prejudices, we further peace.  Our awareness that God is all, brings peace and sustains harmony of being in everything we do.  Let us think of world peace as more than just a hope or dream; let us know that it is an attitude that begins with you and me.

By applying faith, understanding, and the Golden Rule, we help lift the consciousness of our world and gain greater awareness of how powerful love really is.  For no matter how hard we strive to win wars we fight, we shall never have peace until we have love and good will among all people.

The spirit of giving moves us out of the appearance of limitation into a larger cosmic expression.  It is not the gift but the act of giving that brings enrichment to both the giver and the receiver.  This Christmas season and beyond, let us all express only love and good will and reap the benefits of the powerful act of giving.

Gather with us each Sunday in December and experience the L-I-G-H-T of the holidays — Living Inside God’s Highest Truth.