A Special Letter to Our Science of Mind Spiritual Center Family and Friends
Dear Ones,
I write to you today to share the steps we are taking based on the latest instructions from the CDC concerning the Coronavirus and not being in a group of more than 10 persons.
But before I do, I just want to assure you that I am committed to working with this challenge to our global family in a consciousness of a rational response and not irrational fear. And, what is the remedy for fear? LOVE…a mindful consciousness of love supported by our trust in the truth that we are living our lives with the full support of Spirit. Here are the protocols we will be putting in place for the safety of our spiritual family and all with whom they come in contact:
- Attendance at Sunday services is temporarily cancelled; however, I will record the Sunday talk each week, and it, along with past talks, will be available via podcast, as well as on our website. Please see below for links to our podcast and talks online.
- Whether you financially support our Beloved Community by PayPal, credit card or mailing in checks, please accept my gratitude in advance as together we continue to cover our ongoing organizational expenses and helping others.
- Classes are being held on Zoom until further notice.
My dear friends, in light of the challenges we are facing, I encourage you all to frequently place before your consciousness an awareness of the underlying truth that all beings are perfect, whole, and complete, and that each of us is unconditionally held in the embrace of Absolute Love. I will miss seeing you in person, even as I know there is no distance between our souls.
I prayerfully hold you all in my heart,
Rev. Pam
March 18, 2020