You Can Try Going Away, but You’ll Always Come Back – July 19, 2020

Loving greetings and may you and your loved ones continue to be healthy and safe. As challenging events happen right before our eyes on a daily basis, it is vital to know that we are supported by the power of the Law of Love, a love that calls us to prayer. And when we say yes to this call, we find ways of balancing ourselves and thereby support the world in balancing itself. I remind us all that Spirit’s Love is never diminished by any of the appearances of outer conditions. As we gather together to celebrate the Spirit, let us expand our trust in that Love as we explore this month’s theme, “Practice Your Practice.”

The July 19, 2020 topic is You Can Try Going Away, but You’ll Always Come Back. The highest spiritual authority within us is a consciousness of knowing, the Self that knows and knows that it knows. This is the vehicle of Spirit through which its intuitive guidance speaks to us with absolute clarity. We are all capable of activating this knowing which has been implanted within us. May our coming together today be an opportunity for us to accelerate this awareness.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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