Why the “Have to Do in Order to Be” Model Doesn’t Work – September 26, 2021

Loving greetings to you all, and happy Rosh Hashanah to our Jewish spiritual family members! How good it is to be writing to you again as we prepare to explore our September theme, “Truths We Were Never Told.” If you grew up watching TV in the 50s, for example, it’s quite obvious that much of what we were exposed to was either a coverup of the truth, a real s-t-r-e-t-c-h of the truth, or simply untrue. This month we will dispel the remnants of false societal conditioning we may be holding onto by exploring spiritual truths we may never have been told.

The September 26, 2021 topic is Why the “Have to Do in Order to Be” Model Doesn’t Work. Many of us were taught that to “be” who we feel we are meant to be we must first “have” something and “do” something with it. The truth is Life is on our side, joyously expressing itself in, as, and through us when we realize that we already possess all that we need for our highest fulfillment.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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