The Transparency of Spiritual Mind Treatment – September 27, 2020

Loving greetings to you and your dear ones. I trust that you are all healthy, safe, and buoyant in spirit. It’s almost impossible to ignore the challenges our entire world is experiencing, and it is my deepest desire that those of us who realize the power of spiritual mind treatment for the healing and upliftment of our global family are practicing it every day, especially whenever we feel the slightest tinge of despair or discouragement over outer appearances.

Throughout the month of September our theme is “Finding Peace in a World of Change,” with specific emphasis on how we may skillfully navigate the unpredictable challenges of change with trust in Spirit, ourselves, and scientific prayer, each and every step of the way.

The September 27, 2020 topic is The Transparency of Spiritual Mind Treatment. The content of a treatment—whether it’s with a minister, licensed practitioner or treating for ourselves—holds up a mirror that offers us a transparent view directly into our beliefs. Seeing far beyond our outer identity, we provide ourselves the spiritual medicine of clarity, revealing the unique expression of Spirit that we are. Together, let us dare to stand before that mystical mirror!

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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