The Parable of the Talents – May 23, 2021

What a joy it is that during the month of May we celebrate the Feminine Face of God that nourishes all creation, that beats within each of our hearts and mothers us throughout our life’s path. And, how touching it is when this quality reflects through human mothers. So to all of you who have the role of being a mother in someone’s life, I thank and celebrate you! Our theme for May is “Consciousness—The Reality of Being.” I invite you to join me as we get down and real about exactly what this means.

The May 23, 2021 topic is The Parable of the Talents. It is in the Parable of the Talents (Matt 24:14-30) that the master teacher Jesus emphasized the law of attraction, the causes and effects resulting from our thoughts and actions. The good news is that we can acquire wisdom by understanding this law of life and consciously co-create our lives so that they flourish and express our full potential as individualized expressions of Spirit.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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