The Lord’s Prayer–Formula for the Soul’s Development – December 25, 2022
Joyous Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa greetings to you and your dear ones! My prayer for us all is that however we celebrate it brings delight to our hearts and souls as we welcome the blessings of love and upliftment these holy-days extend to us. May we also be reminded that we are world citizens with the potential to be a beneficial presence on the planet through our collective contribution to creating a world of peaceful co-existence, compassion, and wisdom-guided action.
I very much look forward to gathering together and/or listening together throughout the month with “Tiz the Season of Giving” as our theme. Please join me in taking a dive deep below surface existence into the fullness of our true purpose as spiritual beings having a human existence.
The December 25, 2022 topic is The Lord’s Prayer–Formula for the Soul’s Development. The Lord’s prayer is perhaps the most all-inclusive container of Jesus’s core teachings. I refer to it as a “prayer of the heart,” because it surpasses the intellect and goes directly to the intimate connection each of us has with Spirit. It also clarifies for us that “God’s kingdom,” without exception, includes all living beings, an eternal message so vital to our current times.
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