The Gift of Patience
I rejoice and give thanks for the complete realization that there is perfect God, perfect being and perfect me. I recognize that I am all that spirit is. This truth is absolute and knows no opposition. God is the one true power expressing through me as love, wisdom, peace and the joyful gift of patience.
I am calm and centered in my decisions and follow through with confidence and faith that right action always prevails. I trust life’s flow and I move forward optimistically and confidently, knowing that I am divinely guided and directed to what is right at the right time. Because I know that God is always on time, in time, every time, I know the pattern of perfection within me is working in the same way.
Love means being patient and kind to others, as well as, myself. I am worth waiting for. I relax, let go and embrace life each and every moment, trusting that all is well, right and good. I accept right now that with love and patience, all things are possible. In
gratitude, I let it be and so it is!
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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