Take the Time – May 28, 2023

Loving greetings and may your Mother’s Day celebrations be filled with joy. Surveying our world, it becomes obvious that there is no greater time to invite the Divine Feminine aspect of Spirit’s unconditional love to express through us. As planetary energies unite for humankind’s evolutionary leap in consciousness, we have the choice to plant seed-thoughts which accelerate that growth, or those that prolong the appearance of chaos. And that is precisely what birthed this month’s theme: Preparing for the Harvest of Good.

The May 28, 2023 topic is Take the Time. As the Rolling Stones remind us, “Time is on my side, yes it is!” Then we have Romans 14:11 which says, “you know what time it is.” Whether time itself is an illusion or reality, the only guaranteed time we have is this now moment! Today, as we conclude planting seeds for our Fall harvest of Good, we will take the time to consciously plant potent seeds in this now moment.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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