Swimming in the Sea of Abundance – October 23, 2016

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

I’m reminded of that time many years ago when a dear friend invited me to attend my first Science of Mind service. It was at a critical juncture in my life, so the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Because my friend was willing to step out in such a compassionate yet bold way, I stand before you today sharing the universal truth principles that changed my life. And now I’m following her example by inviting you to consider introducing family and friends to our Center—not at all proselytizing, but in a spirit of sharing. In support of this, our theme of the month is, Share the Love, Share the Light, Share the Wealth.

The topic on October 23, 2016, was Swimming in the Sea of Abundance. We can often be like the fish swimming in the ocean that looks around and asks, “I can’t see the water! Where is the water?” We are immersed in a sea of abundance in both the seeming ordinary and the extraordinary aspects of our lives, but we lack the clarity of vision to see it. This week we will open our inner eye, our mindsets and heartsets in deep respect and appreciation of the wealth and riches that surround and interpenetrate us.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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