Release, Repel, Renew

I rejoice and give thanks, accepting that this word sets the law in motion now. As I release and let go of old worn out unwanted patterns of belief in scarcity and limitation, I am making space for a greater good to flow in. Any thought of negation, doubt or fear is a powerless false nothingness and there is nothing to support it in my consciousness. There is no interference with my progress. Anything that appears inconsistent with my God-ordained vision is automatically repelled and dissolved.

My faith is in an increased goodness and unconditional divine love. My trust is in the full functioning power of Spirit, as the only power working for me, with me, as me, around me and through me. No person, condition or experience has the power to control, stop, block, delay or dominate the Divine operation for expansion and fuller expression. God endowed me with the ability to succeed and I am surrounded with successful people. Infinite intelligence causes all things to work out right with perfect understanding and appreciation. I encourage and accept change as a glorious opportunity to grow and to expand my consciousness so that I experience something entirely new and magnificent beyond what has gone before.

The Divine Urge within me is God’s hand gently pushing me forward to self-expression, to bypass resistance and take the way of faith and divine wisdom. I am bold in my belief that I am always divinely guided by a loving, all-knowing presence and a True power that abides in harmonious cooperation and compatibility. I believe and accept with invincible faith that this is the absolute Truth. I now release my word and let it go forth to manifest in every right and perfect way right here and right now, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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