Reconnecting to Wholeness One Laugh at a Time – August 11, 2024

What a perfect time to remind ourselves that Spirit’s Grace is our ever-present, all-encompassing source of compassion, encouragement, our refuge and our strength. This is the time to balance the outer world with the joy of inner communion with Spirit through the power of prayer, meditation, and through connection with our spiritual community. My intention is that we will join together for this purpose throughout the month of August when our theme is: “Laughter: Spirit’s Medicine of Grace.”

The August 11, 2024 topic is Reconnecting to Wholeness One Laugh at a Time. We’ve all experienced those times when we feel a disconnect from our innate Wholeness. Let us today–in joyous celebration and laughter–share the collective knowing that we can no more separate ourselves from our oneness with Spirit than we can remove our breath from our body or our inherent sense of humor from our beautiful humanness.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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