My Thoughts Create Success

I am the full expression of divine intelligence. This intelligence directs my every thought with clarity, understanding and wisdom. I express an affirmative attitude that overcomes any false illusion of negativity. My consciousness is filled with thoughts that produce great inspirational ideas that empower me to express myself with joy and enthusiasm, triumphantly. Only that which is healthy and of value can enter my experience. I am anchored in the acceptance of truth, secure in my belief of truth, and sustained in immoveable faith.

I am a center of intelligence using a creative law, which gives complete expression to itself in an abundance of right and successful ways. I am consciousness thinking a thought and speaking its word, to which the Law of Mind responds by corresponding creatively and perfectly. I am consciously thinking the formless into form. The principle of success governs my life and affairs.

It is with confidence and calm assurance that I now release this Truth, knowing that I only identify with successful living. Everything in my life is a reflection of this good. In gratitude, I let it be, and so it is!!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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