More Than Enough – May 15, 2022

Loving greetings and joyous Mother’s Day wishes to all of you who are blessed to express the role of mother in our world.

The journey into demonstrating abundance begins with the realization that our part is to claim in consciousness what is already ours by divine inheritance. I invite you to join us each Sunday as together we support one another in embodying this month’s theme, “The Principle of Abundance.” As you read each of the weekly descriptions below, I encourage you to pause and consider how you are currently applying these principles and how you may expand your practice. Then, take a moment to express gratitude for all the good that is yours, even as you open to receive greater abundance from Spirit’s limitless storehouse of supply.

The May 15, 2022 topic is More Than Enough. Our words, whether in the form of thoughts or spoken aloud, set energy in motion. That being so, we have a responsibility in consciousness to direct that energy positively and beneficially, according to spiritual principle. When it comes to plentitude, what is it we wish to have plenty of? May we be aware that when we speak our word into Universal Law, we may absolutely trust it to respond accordingly.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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